Hey there Homeschooling Moms, how did this school year go? Many of you may be finished with this years' lessons, but I have no doubt that thoughts of the next school year are already on your mind. For those of you that take a summer break, you probably take up a decent portion of this time to plan the upcoming school year. I know that's what I do. I love the planning process, and one of my favorite things is a brand new planner, ready and waiting to be filled with fresh plans. There are a variety of organizing resources available to suit anyone and everyone's fancy, whether in physical or digital formats. I happen to be of the old school set, and I love a physical paper and pencil approach. Gena Suarez, co-founder of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine is the author of a fantastic planner that I have had the pleasure of reviewing. Their company, The Old Schoolhouse® has put out the Hey,Mama! Homeschool Planner for 2019/20 Year , and I'm happy to share it with you.

This attractive, spiral bound planner has everything that a homeschool mama needs to become and stay organized. The cover is paper, but durable, like a shiny poster board. It has a pretty watercolor floral design in blue, green, and splashes of red and yellow. One hundred and eighty nine pages will allow planning for up to five children. It's big enough to allow room for all of your scheduling and recording, but small enough to fit in your tote bag when you find yourself on the go. You'll find the following forms included:
* Handy Table of Contents
* Creating an Academic Transcript
* Template for Academic Transcript
*Checklist and Skills Learned
*Other Courses (You fill in your classes here)
* 2019 Calendar
* 2020 Calendar
* 2021 Calendar
* Monthly Calendars with Notes and Hey, Mama! Devotionals
* Weekly Planners
* Child 1
* Child 2
* Child 3
* Child 4
* Child 5
The forms that are devoted for each child are particularly helpful. For every student, there are blank pages for notes, attendance sheet, curriculum log, books read over the year, yearly goals, and first and second semester goals. Also, in addition to the 2019, 2020, and 2021 calendars at the front, there are blank calendars that you can customize to fit your schedule.
Table of Contents
Help with your high school transcript is right here.
Keep track of accomplished skills.
There is plenty of room to add any and every extra course you choose.
Calendar at a glance.
Calendar with space to schedule activities, appts., etc..
Blank calendars allow you to customize your week.
Each child has their own set of sheets to keep track of lessons, curriculum, attendance, and more.
Track their reading.
Create yearly, and semester goals.
In addition to these helpful forms and calendars, Gena has provided 21 devotionals that will come along side you and provide encouragement in your homeschool journey. She speaks to a variety of topics and issues that we face in our daily walk:
* Your Homeschool Purpose
* Taking Field Trips
* Anxiety
* God's Provision
* Squabbling Kids
* Fail Days
* Trials
* Patience
* Perseverance
* Naysayers
That's 10 topics alone, out of 21. I enjoy reading these, and I love how she ends many of them by saying, "His hand is on your head." I always feel comfort with those words.
I have to tell you, I am jazzed with this planner. It has everything that I need, and a few extras. As my daughters are now both, gasp, high schoolers, I find the help with putting transcripts together a big help. I also appreciate that I have individual forms for each of them. There is plenty of space for me to include all of their courses and extra activities.
Since the calendar, at least the fill in calendar, doesn't begin until July 2019, I've had to content myself with filling in family birthdays, upcoming appointments and deadlines. We finish up our school year next week, and then I'll be ready to grab my colorful gel pens, stickers, and other fun embellishments, and begin planning the 2019-2020 school year. This is a great planner, and I hope you'll check it out.
**But FYI, this planner is already 98% sold out of their print run, once they're gone, there won't be more print versions available until next year, so the time to purchase is now!
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