Deuteronomy 6:6-7

And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. ~ Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Sunday, June 16, 2019

How to Clean your room

Hi everyone! CeCe here with another post on the things that come from my crazy, cluttered mind. Today I will be telling you how to clean your room. I don't mean shoving things underneath your bed and calling that clean, no sir! I mean cleaning out all of your drawers, your closet, and underneath your bed, organizing, getting rid of things, dusting, vacuuming, etc, etc, etc. Now let's get started!

Step One; Make your bed.

If you are like me, you make your bed every day. If you are like my dear sis Becky, you only make your bed because your mom makes you. If you don't make your bed at all, this is a great opportunity to start. Start by taking all of the covers off, leaving only the fitted sheet. Second, put the other sheet on, tucking in the overlapping parts. Next, put the comforter on, smoothing out any lumps. Finally, arrange the pillows on the bed as suited to your preference. 

Step Two; Clear out underneath your bed

This is the part of cleaning that we all dread. This part is surprisingly easy, if you know what to do. First, take everything out from underneath your bed. You heard me, EVERYTHING. Second, sort through the mess. Make a pile for things that belong in your room, but not underneath your bed,  a pile for trash, one for things that do not belong in your room, and one for things that stay underneath your bed.  Deal with the piles. 

Step Three; Clean out your drawers, and closet. 

 These next two tasks are essentially the same as step two. Make the same piles as listed above, and deal with the piles, then tidy everything up. 

Step Four; Dust

This is one of the easiest jobs in this entire process. Starting from the top, dust the surfaces with Pledge, or any dusting spray that you use

Step Five; Vacuum

Before you vacuum, make a search of your floor and make sure that there are no large objects on the floor. Then, well, vacuum. This step is pretty self- explanatory. 

That wraps it up! I hope that this inspired you to deep-clean your bedroom. Good luck!

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