Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.
Have any of you ever had your child lament to you that (and I quote), "This (insert the hated class) is worthless and I'm never going to need it so why do I have to take it?!" My oldest, now a Junior in high school, says that to me in regards to a couple of her current courses, all...the...time...sigh. To be honest, I remember expressing the very same frustrations with my mother. I've seen parents on social media talk about replacing certain classes that seem somewhat superfluous, with more practical subjects. That's just one benefit of homeschooling your children. You can include topics that teach important life skills that might otherwise be glossed over, if not left out entirely.For example, how many of us had formal instruction in managing finances? I know that I didn't. Yet it's a vital skill to learn. My husband and I have shared what we consider to be good money advice with our daughters here and there, but when the opportunity to review Personal Finance Illustrated® Homeschool Edition from PEM LIFE , I was happy to fill in that gap.
We received access to this online financial course for six months. This course is designed for older students, at least in the upper high school grades. It is a single semester course. Lessons are taught focusing on three of Bloom's Taxonomy levels; Knowledge, Comprehension, and Application. They use the Interactive Personal Economic Model to illustrate the key concepts.
Personal Economic Model
There are 18 Units:
Unit 1 - Personal Economic ModelUnit 2 - Time Value of MoneyUnit 3 - Lifetime Capital PotentialUnit 4 - Opportunity CostUnit 5 - The tax FilterUnit 6 - Lifestyle RegulatorUnit 7 - Temperament and FinancesUnit 8 - The Importance of ProtectionUnit 9 - Debt - What It Is, What It Is Not Unit 10 - Pay Cash or Finance?Unit 11 - The Investment TankUnit 12 - The Savings TankUnit 13 - Access to CapitalUnit 14 - Qualified PlansUnit 15 - Mortgages, The Right ChoiceUnit 16 - Why Go to Work?Unit 17 - Principles of WorkUnit 18 - The Danger of Riches
Video lessons with Don Blanton
Each Unit is well organized. You can easily see what will be taught when viewing on your dashboard.
The material is presented through video lessons, student text, which is pdf, interactive resources, writing assignments, and quizzes. A discussion forum allows students to connect with other students.There is a good amount of flexibility regarding the way you approach teaching the class. You can allow your student to work independently, or with increased parent instruction. It just depends on your child's ability.
It's easy to get to navigate the site. All information is found on your sidebar.
If the thought of teaching a financial class to your child has you sweating, don't panic. This course is well organized and provides everything necessary to help you. There are instructor guides for every lesson that you will walk you through the topics, and provide tips in presenting it to your student. That being said, if you do opt for the more parent involved method of teaching, you will need to plan ahead so that you can go through the lessons.
There is a pdf with the entire course vocabulary.
I'm using this with my above mentioned high school Junior. We opted for the more parent involved route. We like the video instruction with instructor Don Blanton. He has a relaxed manner, and goes through the lesson at a pace that doesn't feel too fast or too slow. The interactive resources are bright and colorful, and the information is explained well.
I'm happy with this course this far in, which is roughly a month. I'm pleased to be able to provide this important financial instruction to my daughters. Hopefully, it will give them a good foundation and wisdom as they move into independent adulthood. I will be having my youngest daughter take this as well. Visit their website for more information.
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