Deuteronomy 6:6-7

And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. ~ Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Sunday, November 15, 2020

A Thanksgiving Post


Since this is a Thanksgiving post, I figured that I needed to include a photo of a turkey in here somewhere, but surprisingly, all that I could locate tonight was this photo of my girls when they were much smaller. So there you go.

If I'm honest, I haven't felt very thankful these last few weeks, maybe even this year. You would have to have been living under a rock not to understand the world's circumstances this year to not know what I mean, so I'll leave that bit alone.

Anyway, gratitude is an effective way to change a perspective, so I'm going to catch up on this 15th day of November, and share 15 things that I am thankful for.

1.) My husband. He works hard for our family, he loves me and our daughters, and he shows it everyday with thoughtful gestures, like bringing me my favorite water, even going to multiple places to find it.

2.) My mom. I'm so glad that we have a close relationship. She is probably the only person that I can talk to on the phone for an hour or more at a time, and still have more to say. She's the best.

3.) My dad. I'm also so glad to have a close relationship with him. He loves his family so much, and never misses an opportunity to tell us how much we mean to him.

4.) Modern technology that allows me to research my family history, even back to the United States Revolutionary War. I'm grateful to learn about my rich family history.

5.) Hot showers. Researching my family history reminds me of all of the modern conveniences I have today.

6.) Dogs. Our little buddies provide us with such a huge amount of entertainment and devotion. They're a special part of the family.

7.) Chocolate, because, c'mon, chocolate!

8.) Books. It's a gift to be able to travel anywhere and everywhere through a story.

9.) Audiobooks. It's kind of the same, but I'm counting it as different. I love a good voice actor who will make different characters come to life.

10.) Christmas lights. I love the coziness and cheer that Christmas lights bring, especially on a grey winter evening.

11.) Homeschooling. I love having the say in my both of my daughters' education. I also love learning  a few new things along with them.

12.) Music. Like books, music can carry you away...

13.) Fresh flowers, because I love a fresh bouquet.

14.) The simple pleasure of a hot cup of tea.

15.) The convenience of phones, texting, email, face time, etc, that allow us to stay connected to friends and family when we can't get together.

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