Deuteronomy 6:6-7

And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. ~ Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Kid Niche Christian Books - Weave Your Word In Me --Part 1

What is the most important part of your child's education? If you align yourself with the Christian faith, a solid Bible course is probably at the  top of the list. As a follower of Jesus Christ, my desire is for them to not only learn the fundamentals of the faith, but to be motivated to live their lives for Him. Prayer is a vital part of our Christian walk, and  we had the chance to review a course for upper elementary students focusing on just that,  Weave Your Word In Me -- Part 1  by Kid Niche Christian Books.

There are two parts to this resource, and we received Part one. It arrived as a packet alone, but with pre-punched holes, allowing it to be placed in a binder. It is made up of 36 bright and colorful lessons for the tween ages. Using The Lord's Prayer as it's template, this Bible study and prayer guide uses a rhythmical prayer called My Whole Self Before You. It breaks down each verse and translates it into language that is easier for students to understand. 

How does it work? It's pretty easy to understand, as all instructions are clearly laid out in an aesthetically pleasing way. Very colorful, lots of illustrations. Honestly,  if your student can read, they can follow this independently. These lessons are compatible with the following Bible translations:

King James Version - KJV
English Standard Version - ESV
New King James Version - NKJV
New International Version - NIV
New American Standard Bible - NASB
New American Bible Revised Edition - NABRE

After selecting your Bible version of choice, it's time to dig into God's Word! Lessons have Bible verses to look up and read. Using those verses, your student will learn more details surrounding a specific passage, allowing her to understand the meaning in a deeper way. Throughout the lesson, she will fill in the blanks, put events in chronological order, and sometimes draw a picture. The assignments end with a fill in the blank prayer, which the author encourages the student to recite after completing. As a side note, that last prayer is always found on the left side of the page, written vertically, so it's easy to fill in the blanks for that one. It was actually my daughter who noticed that first, and pointed it out to me. 

A few photos of the lessons:

Our thoughts on Weave Your Word In Me - Part 1 :

Visually, we love it! It's bright colors are beautiful. We put ours in a hot pink binder, and love the way it looks. Even the younger tween ages should be able to follow the instructions without problems, as everything is laid out so clearly. Now on to what's really important, the content. We used this 4, sometimes 5 days a week. My daughter is twelve, and after the first couple of lessons, worked through this independently. She has been enjoying working through  the material, and a lesson that focused on the temptation of Jesus really stood out for her. She appreciated the background information provided for the text, as well as comparisons that display how Satan tried to lure Jesus to follow him, and then what Jesus did to refute Satan. The only downside (and I don't know that it could even be called a downside) that my daughter brought up, was that she found the work a bit too easy. Being twelve, she is on the high end of the target age, so for the younger ages, this should be a great resource. It could be of great use to students learning to follow a study. As for my girlie, she found it to be a great supplement to her other Bible studies. So all in all, no complaints for this household. Visit Kid Niche Christian Books and see if Weave Your Word In Me -- Part 1 is good for your tween!

Ages : Tween
Price: $20.00

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