Deuteronomy 6:6-7

And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. ~ Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Apologia Educational Ministries - Exploring Creation With Health And Nutrition, by Dr. Laura Chase - A Crew Review

I don't know where the time has gone. This week, my facebook memories have been popping up with old photos of my daughters. Each one has captured a moment of them at 4, 5, and 6 years old. As I looked at those precious images that feature my girls' beautiful blue eyes, and innocent smiles, I've been marveling at how quickly they grew from those adorable preschoolers, and into the lovely young ladies that I see today. This year, my oldest is beginning her high school journey. We're leaving behind the crayons and paste as we start counting the credits needed to graduate. After years of homeschooling, we have our favorite curriculum companies, but Apologia Educational Ministries has consistently remained at the top of the list. While I might be willing to pass on other homeschooling books and materials when we finish them, our entire family agrees that any book from Apologia will never leave our personal library. I have continually marveled at the knowledge that my daughters have learned and retained. Whenever we visit the zoo, or the museums, my daughters recite the many facts and details of the exhibits. They learned that information from Apologia.

One of the credits that my Freshman needs is Health. I was beyond thrilled when I learned that we would be reviewing the High School Health course,  Exploring Creation With Health And Nutrition by Dr. Laura Chase .  I'll  give you a spoiler alert. I am loving the material that we have covered over the past month. And surprise of surprises, not only has my daughter worked through the first few modules without complaint, but she's found the material interesting too. We received the Health and Nutrition Basic Set , which consists of the beautiful hardback textbook with 400+ pages, and the student notebook. The student workbook is for use with one student, so if you'll be using this with more than one teen, you will need one notebook for each individual. All of the tests that will be taken are included in the back of the notebook. The material is divided into 15 modules, and you can choose to use this as a full year course by working 3 days a week, or as a semester course by working 5 days a week. Since my daughter is getting a dose of the heavier workload that high school brings, we're going the full year route. These are the topics of each module:

* Module 1.) Who Am I And Why Does Health Matter?
* Module 2.) Physical Influences On Thoughts and Feelings
* Module 3.) Mental and Emotional Stability
* Module 4.) Interpersonal Harmony
* Module 5.) Treasuring Your Senses
* Module 6.) Processing Nourishment and Hydration
* Module 7.) Food Science 1 - Macronutrients
* Module 8.) Food Science 2 - Micronutrients
* Module 9.) Let's Look At What You Eat
* Module 10.) Delivering The Oxygen
* Module 11.) Let's Move
* Module 12.) You're Stronger Than You Look
* Module 13.) At War With Infection
* Module 14.) Peace In Difficult Times
* Module 15.) The Gift Of Reproduction

***Please note: There are topics in this course that are of a sensitive nature, including mental illness, reproduction, and sexually transmitted disease.

Apart from the textbook and student notebook, the additional materials are minimal until you get to Module 12. You'll want/need Internet access in order to take advantage of the Book/Extras website that accompanies this course, and includes test solutions, study guide answers, and links to additional websites that correlate to the lessons. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS RESOURCE. It's a wonderful help, filled with valuable extras. In order to access these resources, you'll check the first couple pages of the textbook, where you'll find the password. You can then create your account, type in the password, and you'll have all of the information at your fingertips. 
Once you get started with Module  12, you'll need an exercise mat or cushioned floor, gym shoes, and a fitness ball. 

We received our Health And Nutrition Basic Set in the middle of the last week of July, and we have just completed the first two Modules. The format and lessons have been very easy to follow. Both the textbook and the notebook provide a detailed introduction to the course, and how to approach the lessons. There is a suggested schedule inside the notebook that makes it simple to follow for the school year. You can add more to each lesson if you prefer to make it a semester long class. The year long option is perfect for my daughter. Also included in the first pages, is a grade recording chart, that I find very helpful in grading modules and tests.

Following the schedule, students will read a portion of the text, and then work on an OYO project, which stands for On Your Own. The questions are in both the textbook and the student notebook. The notebook is where the questions can be answered in detail, but I suppose that's obvious. There are also small projects sprinkled throughout the module. They may include a self assessment test, or require a bit of research on the Internet.  There are pages in the notebook that allow for plenty of notes, which will come in handy for the study guide that students will complete by filling in the blanks. The end of most modules include a test. Tests are multiple choice. Parents can grade these, or can look up the solutions on the book/extras website. 

The first module had us asking the question, "Who am I, and why does health matter?". Ok, that's two questions. We read all about the definition of health, and what is included in that term. My favorite part of the curriculum is the fact that it comes from a Biblical worldview. So, even as we read about genetics, chromosomes, DNA structure, epigenetics, and a LOT more, it is presented from a spiritual point of view. That is so important to our family. The best part of Module 1 for us was the temperament assessment. They use the Fluid-Imbalance Theory - Choleric, Sanguine, Melancholic, Phlegmatic. Part of the projects had us determining which category we fit into, and our whole family was roaring with laughter as we read the strengths of weaknesses of each choice, tested ourselves to see where we thought we fit, and then assessed each other's results. We found the test to be spot on, both for strengths and weaknesses. My oldest, who is taking this course, found herself to be a Phlegmatic/Melancholic. I'm the opposite, a Melancholic/Phlegmatic. My youngest is a Melancholic/Sanguine, and my husband seems to be more of a mix of Phlegmatic/Melancholic with a splash of Choleric.

Module two had us studying Physical Influences on Thoughts and Feelings. We read about the chemicals in our brain that affect our moods and all around well being. We looked at a photo model of a brain and learned about the locations of the various parts of the brain, and what motor skills are influenced by those areas. We looked at brain illnesses, the thyroid, pancreas, and reproductive hormones. They pack so much information into this course, and it's wonderful.

My daughter was a little nervous as she anticipated high school, and the increasing workload. She has worked independently on various parts of classes in the past, but she was unsure of what high school work would look like, so she was relieved when I assured her that I would be alongside her as she found her footing. She was happy to find that it really isn't too different than what she has been doing. We took turns reading the text. We read through the On Your Own questions together, and then worked in her notebook independently. I helped her get started with some of the research, and then she was able to move forward for herself. When it came to the tests, she did beautifully, even surprising herself! My eighth grader is pushing me to get her a student  notebook so that she can take the course too!

A few thoughts from my daughter:

"I wasn't sure what I expected this course to be like. I thought that it might include a lot of science, and it does. I don't usually like (science) very much, but Health has been interesting. I really liked the temperament test. It was exactly my personality, and we all were laughing at the way it fit all of our family. I also like that everything I really need for this is in the notebook, including the tests. It makes it more convenient."

Typically, I gush about Apologia Educational Ministries , and regarding the Health and Nutrition Basic Set, I feel the same way. Once again, they've put together a beautiful, durable, Biblical, simply amazing homeschooling resource. I'm looking forward to a great year of learning.

Being the generous and helpful company that they are, Apologia has a FREE e-book available for download, called Whole-Health - God's Design for Your Body, Mind, and Soul. It's a very nice introduction/supplement to this Health course. You'll get to read an interview with the author of this course, Dr. Laura Chase herself. There are activities for your family that will spark interesting discussion as you get to know yourself, and each other in a deeper way. You'll also find a few healthy recipes, and a fun word search. I love those! Download your copy today!

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Health and Nutrition Basic Set {Apologia Educational Ministries Reviews}

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