Deuteronomy 6:6-7

And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. ~ Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Zondervan - The Homeschool Mom's Bible - A Review

Before our daughters were even close to preschool age, my husband and I decided that we would homeschool. 4+ years down the road, we don't regret the decision. Having said that, I would be lying if I said that there weren't days when my vision gets a bit cloudy, and I need a reminder of why we chose this path.
It was on such a day when I was fighting homeschool fatigue, that I discovered that Zondervan would be sending me a copy of their NIV Homeschool Mom's Bible. I cannot tell you what an encouragement that news was, and I waited for that sweet little package with great anticipation.

I was not disappointed. I didn't have any particular expectations, but I was certainly delighted with what I found when I opened the box. This sturdy, hardcover, Bible, is beautifully illustrated, not only on its cover, but also on the Bible itself. I love a pretty visual, and just the sight of this makes me want to curl up in my comfy chair with a hot cup of tea, and pour through the Scriptures.

What's so special about this Bible? Well, of course, being the Bible is special enough. But this one has been tailor made for the homeschool mom. Inside are 365 daily devotions and prayers that are written by veteran homeschooling mom Janet Tatman, who has over 25 years of experience to her credit. The foreword is given by Vicki Farris, wife and homeschool mom to Michael Farris, whose name you may remember because he is the founder of the Homeschool Legal Defense Association.

 The devotions begin within the first few pages, with a January 1 reading. Each devotion has the page number for the next day's reading at the bottom. That is perhaps the traditional way to read through
the meditations. Another alternative is to use the topical index at the back.
As one would expect after a glance at the title, the subjects of these readings pertain to the homeschooling mom, and those issues unique to that way of life.

I am a believer in Jesus Christ. He is my Savior. And I love that He sees me and cares about what I am going through in life. What really encourages me to my core, and restores my spirit in times of trouble, is when the Lord comes through and speaks through His Word, and/or various circumstances that come my way.
When this review came to me, I was struggling with some things. I was really in need of  a boost to keep me going. I needed a reminder that He does care about the small details of my little life. Well, I got it, and on the very first day that I received this Bible, and began reading. The passage came out of Hebrews 10:35-36 :

"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised."

It was just like a cool drink of water on the hottest of days. I  love when He gives me little glimpses of Him.

I have been using this in place of my ESV Bible for my quiet times, and I've enjoyed it a lot. I like the daily devotionals, and the topical index makes it handy to quickly look up a subject. There is only one thing that I would change, if it were possible. As they are now, the readings have no Scripture that applies from the very book of the Bible and page that it is on. So, a reading may be in the pages of Isaiah, but the Scripture readings are from somewhere in the New Testament. I would prefer that they address a topic having to do with the page of Scriptures they are found on.
That is the only thing that I would change. I would recommend this, and buy it as a gift for any homeschool mom out there. I look forward to many more days of reading through the   NIV Homeschool Mom's Bible, and I hope that you will consider it when the time comes for you to make a Bible purchase too.



Price: $34.99

Age: No specific, if you can read, you can read this, but it is specifically geared to Homeschool Mom's

Other Crew members reviewed this as well as the KJV
Click to read more reviews from the Schoolhouse Review Crew

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