Deuteronomy 6:6-7

And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. ~ Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Sunday, June 30, 2013

To Foster or Not to Foster

I think that we're close to moving past the rookie status of being foster parents, although I would never propose that we are anywhere close to being experts on the subject. We have much to learn, I know.
Generally speaking, we've felt support from most around us. There are still those however, who quietly disapprove, or at least, don't understand what we're doing and why.

Maybe they're right. Maybe we shouldn't foster. After all, in many ways, it's a thankless job. You have to jump through countless hoops just to get licensed. Then, you feel the constant scrutiny of those many eyes that are watching over you and your home. Check your privacy at the door, because once you have a placement, you will have a host of officials at your doorstep, checking up on you.

And do you  think that you will feel nothing for that child who joins your family? Wrong. You will have sleepless nights as you do with your biological children, but you may feel even more helpless in finding answers. You get to do the daily grunt work. You will deal with the anger, the tantrums, the ear infections, etc. . .
And you will get very little, really no, say in decisions. That's up to the agency, the state, the judge.

You will know that child better than anyone, often more than the child's own family, yet you will often feel sidelined and marginalized. You will feel like a glorified babysitter.

You will question your initial decision to do this. You will want to quit. You will miss your privacy.

And what about your bio kids? Fostering really isn't fair to them, is it? Why should they have to share you? Why should they have to sacrifice? Aren't you damaging them?

I mean, what hope is there for those foster kids anyway? If they're hyper now, defiant now, angry now, they always will be, right?


We do this because we have felt the call from the Lord. He can do whatever He wants in anyone's life, foster kid, biological kid, whomever. His is a transforming power. My kids are learning to love as Jesus loves. They are learning that the right thing to do doesn't always feel comfortable.
Those who He calls, He equips.

I don't know how long we'll do this. For now, we are called.

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing calling it is. God is working through you no doubt.
