One of our kids has a very cute way of answering in the affirmative when asked a question. "Do you want to get something to eat. Almost every time, if answering yes, she'll say, "Uh. . .yeah. Okay, well you have to be there, cause it IS cute ;)
My husband and I were wondering aloud where in the world she had picked up the habit of saying it that way. Today, we got the answer. He asked me if I knew where a certain coupon was, and I answered, "Uh. . .yeah. We had a laugh over that, but later on in the day, I was wondering about other possible habits that the kids may have learned from my example, both good and bad.
Sometimes, when I listen to them, I smile to myself, and yes, even pat myself on the back, when I hear my words coming out of their mouth as they speak sweetly to another child, or offer an encouraging word to each other. Then there are the times that I cringe when I hear, yes, my words, in a sharp tone, a critical attitude, or a downright ugly response. They learn by example, and I'm sobered as I realize that my time with them is fleeting. In a few more years' time, they'll be preparing to make a life on their own, and what lessons from me will they take with them?
I have noticed that my joy has been largely missing these days. I suppose it might be attributed to what the Bible calls the cares of this life. At any rate, I seem to have lost my smile, my laughter, my fun. It hasn't been lost on me, what effect that has on my children. I don't want them to look back on these years and see a cranky, exhausted mom who was a stick in the mud.
So what to do? I guess that this relate to my last post about my chosen word for the year 2014. I will be Intentional in finding joy. The truth is, I have much to be joyful about in my life. Let me clarify, joyful, not mere happiness. Happiness often relies on circumstance, whereas joy is in the spirit, full of hope regardless of the external. And I know that there are many things for me to be joyful for.
Look out 2014, there's a new attitude coming your way!
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